Fertiliser Products & Services
Contact the Fertiliser Team T: 01769 576405 | E: [email protected]

Alongside our own branded Pyramid Fertiliser, Mole Valley Forage Services has access to the widest range of fertiliser products on the market today.
We pride ourselves on providing excellent quality, screened fertiliser products at the best possible price.
Call us now: 01769 576405
Nitrogen fertilisers
Imported AN 34.5%
Borealis 33.5%
Inhibited Granular Urea 46%
CAN 27% N
Granular Urea 46%
Blended fertilisers
NPK blends
NPKS blends
PK blends
NS blends
Power blend fertilisers
NPK Urea blends
NPKS blends
NK blends
Inhibited Urea blends
Straight fertilisers
MOP Kieserite
DAP Sylvinite
SOP Fert Salt
TSP Ammonium Sulphate
Compound fertilisers
NPK comp
NS comp
NPKS comp
Third party fertilisers
CF Fertilisers
Origin Fertilisers
Omya (G-LIME)
Nutrient Management Plans
Mole Valley Farmer’s Head of Grassland and Soil Agronomy, Lisa Hambly, said a Nutrient Management Plan was essential to plan a farm's forage requirements and maximize yields, whilst reducing costs.
Ms Hambly said that the Nutrient Management Plan was ‘an interactive tool where inputs and cropping can easily be amended according to the changing requirements of the livestock diet’.
Our FACTS-qualified experts specialize in grassland and forage crops, making our Nutrient Management Plan service bespoke for livestock farmers.
The web-based plan is compliant with the Environment Agency and automatically updated along with the RB209 recommendations.
The coordinated Nutrient Plan looks at:
• Current soil nutrition using soil sample results.
• Nutrient requirements of different crops required to grow targeted yields.
• Nutrients available on the farm ready for slurry and farmyard manure (FYM)
• Fertiliser GHG Emission Calculator
Our Nutrient Management Plan will:
• Comply with all current legislation.
• Provide a focused approach.
• Maximise nutrient levels and production.
• Target nutrients only where they are needed and specifically for the crop.
• Avoid the waste of nutrients, saving money.
• Measure the emissions from fertilisers and help reduce carbon footprint.
• Minimise risk to the environment.
Contact us today for further information or to get your Nutrient Management Plan booked in.
Our experts have launched a new service to help grassland farmers target the correct nutrients for their soil.
‘… There is no better place to start with than with the soils’, according to Lisa Hambly, Head of Grassland and Forage Agronomy for Mole Valley Farmers. ‘Soils act as a carbon store and a means of offsetting your farms’ emissions’. ‘They’re also responsible for producing most of your forage…. It’s time to place more emphasis on soils’.
‘With new government policy and farmers being rewarded for improving their land management, there is a huge opportunity to positively address the environmental issues and to increase livestock productivity using more quality homegrown forage. This can only be done by addressing soil health and managing the entire process from the soil to the silage clamp’.
Farmers should also know the legal requirements when applying an ‘improvement’ to cultivated land. DEFRA’s farming rules for water state soil testing must be carried out for levels of phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, pH and nitrogen at leave every five years.
Do you know how much carbon is stored in your farm’s soil? Mole Valley Farmers offers a ‘Carbon Check’ soil test so farmers can determine the organic matter and carbon levels. Establishing a baseline is vital as part of the industry’s drive to become net zero by 2040. Understanding your farms’ status will help establish what impact long-term management improvements are having and your offsetting potential.
Contact us today for further information about the range of soil tests available or to get your soil sampling booked in.
Regenerative Farming
Since 2019 the name regenerative agriculture has started to increase familiarity, with Google searches in the UK peaking in March 2021. Regenerative agriculture involves farming practices that work to actively benefit the environment.
2023 will see an acceleration of incentive payments to farmers from food buyers and processors to encourage farmers to hit the emission reduction targets set for agriculture by 2030. These payments will incentivise farming practices that enhance environmental sustainability.
As far as grassland management is concerned this will incorporate the need to make the most of your soils, FYM and slurry and improve your swards with a combination of grasses, the use of clovers and in some cases the addition of herbs.
Good quality, well-managed sustainable grassland will hold the key to lower farm feed costs and to providing the crop that has the highest green credentials.
Some of the benefits:
• Excellent nutritional value.
• Use of deeper rooting species to obtain water and nutrients.
• Reduced fertiliser requirement by using nitrogen-fixing legumes.
• More resilience to drought or waterlogging.
• Plaintain and chicory can reduce reliance on animal wormers.
• Higher root biomass can increase organised matter levels, carbon sequestration and improve soil health.
Contact us today for further information about introducing multi-species grass varieties, and the benefits they could bring to your farm and the wider environment.
Omega Crop
As a dairy farmer there’s plenty to keep you busy: Milking, feeding and breeding, not to mention calf care, maintenance and endless admin. If you’re grazing then you’re typically trying to find several hours each week walking your fields so you can get your cows the right amount of grass each day.
Omega Crop can help you get time back. Find out more
Contact the Fertiliser Team T: 01769 576405 | E: [email protected]