Fertiliser Safety & Security

Contact the Forage Team T: 01769 576405 | E: [email protected]

The safety of our customers and the security of their assets are of the upmost importance to Mole Valley Forage Services. Over the years fertiliser products (mainly ammonium nitrate) has been at the centre of incidents involving the misuse of hazardous material.  It is imperative that our customers understand the nature of the fertiliser they are handling and are aware of what is required to keep themselves and others safe. 

Fertiliser Industry Assurance SchemeFertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme

Scheme: FIAS   Scheme ID: FI0969   Status: Fully Approved / Certified   Expires: 30-Sep-2022

Mole Valley Forage Services are a full member of FIAS (Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme), which ensures the compliance of its members and makes sure that we as a business are doing everything we can to maximise the safe manufacturing, merchanting, storage and transport of fertiliser materials.

For more information on FIAS, visit the Agricultural Industries Confederation website.

Mole Vally Forage Services customers have a duty of care once the fertiliser has arrived on farm.

At this point it is down to the end user to make sure they are doing all they can to maximise the safety and security of their fertiliser. To help make sure our customers are aware of the correct handling and storage procedure we have put together the following documentation.

There is also more information on what you, as the end user, can do to ensure fertiliser security by visiting the Gov.uk website.

Product safety data sheets

Contact the Forage Team T: 01769 576405 | E: [email protected]