*product and weight restrictions may apply

Feed live yeasts to manage nutritional challenges at grass

Feed live yeasts to manage nutritional challenges at grass

Feeding live yeast to cows at turnout can help prevent costly health issues and boost their ability to make the most from grazed grass.

Increasing concentrate prices mean that making the most from grass should be a priority. However, it is important to ensure rumen health is maintained.

Grazing grass can upset the rumen balance because cows consume variable amounts of protein and energy, more fermentable carbohydrates, and less physically effective fibre. This upsets the rumen as it disturbs oxygen levels, fermentation and dry matter intakes.

This can cause:

  • Depressed yields
  • Loss of body condition
  • Increased risk of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA)
  • Depressed butterfats
  • Compromised fertility.

Butterfats can be particularly affected as there are significant quantities of certain fats present in fresh grass that are toxic to the rumen bacteria. Through a specific process, the fats can further depress butterfat percentages.

Impact of grazing on cow health


How live yeasts work

Live yeasts work by scavenging oxygen from the rumen. Oxygen is highly toxic to rumen microbes as they require an anaerobic
environment (one without air). As a cow eats, she ingests oxygen, and this reduces the efficiency of the rumen by taking up space (approximately 15%) and creating an aerobic environment.

Live yeasts work by raising the rumen pH and thus reducing the risk of acidosis. They also increase the rate of digestion of the diet,
particularly fibre.

Live yeasts also have a beneficial probiotic effect on the gut by enhancing the rumen flora profile to improve the efficiency of ruminant digestion and reducing the incidence of SARA.

The impact of feeding a live yeast

Live yeasts work particularly well when the rumen is under greater challenge, with diets containing rapidly fermentable carbohydrates. They have been shown to reduce levels of SARA and maintain an optimum pH by enhancing the rumen flora and improving the efficiency of digestion in the rumen. The typical return on investment from feeding a live yeast like X1-LIVE™ is 2.4:1.

What is X1-LIVETM?

X1-LIVE is a specific strain of live yeast and is available exclusively from Mole Valley Farmers. Ideally, it should be incorporated into the ration throughout the grazing season.

This can be by:

  • X1-LIVETM Farmpack (25g per head per day added to a TMR or another ration component)
  • Incorporated in your mineral supplement for inclusion in a TMR or mixing with feed (not suitable for free access use).
Feeding X1-LIVE™ yeast results in: A higher rumen pH A lower NEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids) circulation… reducing body mobilisation A higher VFA (Volatile fatty acids) production… increasing energy from the rumen Less severe negative energy balance.Feeding X1-LIVE™ yeast results in: A higher rumen pH A lower NEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids) circulation… reducing body mobilisation A higher VFA (Volatile fatty acids) production… increasing energy from the rumen Less severe negative energy balance.
X1-LIVE™ Gives you the option: More milk from the same feed | The same milk from less feedX1-LIVE™ Gives you the option: More milk from the same feed | The same milk from less feed

Feeding a live yeast such as X1-LIVE™ can be very useful in helping manage rumen health at grass:

  • Reduces the time the rumen is below pH 6
  • Enhances digestibility
  • Reduces acidosis risk
  • Enhances gut flora stabilisers
  • Enhances milk production
  • Does not compromise fertility
  • Promotes efficiency.

For more information on rumen health, X1-LIVETM or any mineral related matter, please speak to your local nutritionist, call the Mineral Line on 01278 420481 or email [email protected]
