*product and weight restrictions may apply

Combine and tractor collecting silage

Making better quality grass silage

Making enough quality silage does not happen by accident. It takes considerable planning, investment and good management over many years.

April 2023

Overweight dog in the woods

Is it time for your dog to lose some weight?

It’s the New Year and most of us are thinking of shedding a few festive pounds – but should you also be thinking about putting your dog on a diet?

January 2023

You are what you eat - even with four legs

Quality is hugely important when it comes to what we feed our dogs - for their energy levels, health and fitness.

January 2023

Jack Russell lying next to food bowls

Looking after them in later life

A dog’s needs change throughout their life and as they enter the autumn of their years should you be looking at changing their diet?

May 2022