Garden Hand Tools

Garden hand tools are used predominantly for general tidying and maintenance of gardens and flower beds. Covering a wide variety of tool types from cutting and pruning tools such as secateurs or tree loppers helping to cut back at the beginning or end of the season, to digging and cultivating tools resembling garden trowels and garden forks to prepare the soil for planting. We have a large range from top brands to cover all your maintenance needs.

Digging & CultivatingDigging & Cultivating

Digging & Cultivating

Cutting & PruningCutting & Pruning

Cutting & Pruning

Garden BrushesGarden Brushes

Garden Brushes

Garden TrolliesGarden Trollies

Garden Trollies

Fencing ToolsFencing Tools

Fencing Tools

Rakes & Leaf CollectorsRakes & Leaf Collectors

Rakes & Leaf Collectors

Log SplittersLog Splitters

Log Splitters

