Well-earned rest
The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer and the wellies have been put back in the cupboard. That means the working season is over for another year and we can welcome in the warming comfort of spring and summer. For some dogs this means time for a well-earned rest, while for others, life doesn’t stop!
Keeping busy
For some dogs, the close season doesn’t mean a rest period. These dogs may still be working on the estates, or participating in working tests, or enjoying other activities such as agility, flyball and cani-cross. Therefore, you may not need to drastically alter their daily exercise routine, nor the type of food they are on. Providing they maintain a healthy weight and condition, these dogs can often stay on a typical in-season diet such as Field and Trial working 23 or Working 26. Or for those with dietary sensitivities, they can remain on typical in-season diets such as Field and Trial Chicken & Rice, Salmon & Rice, Duck & Rice or Lamb & Rice, which are available in your local Mole Valley Farmer stores. We would simply suggest keeping an eye on their weight and condition, then adjusting their daily feed intake if necessary. If their weight creeps up, drop their daily intake by 10-20% and monitor again.
Taking it easy
For other dogs the summer season is a time to have a break and allow their bodies to recuperate after a busy season. However, it’s important to keep up a degree of fitness to ensure that your dog stays mentally stimulated and ensure they have a good foundation of fitness in preparation for the run up to the next season. At this time of year, you may need to reduce their daily portions, or perhaps move to a less calorie-dense diet such as Field and Trial Maintenance, to reduce the likelihood of weight gain. It’s also important to regularly weigh and body condition score your dog to ensure they are not gaining (or perhaps dropping) unwanted weight. If you are unsure how to body condition score your dog, then UK Pet Food have a free, handy guide here.
Keeping them mentally fit
Working breeds are generally active dogs and just like people, some have a ‘livelier’ personality than others. For this reason, continued training and providing positive outlets for your dog’s energy will be the best way to keep you and your dog happy. This doesn’t mean endlessly walking your dog, as sometimes you end up with a very fit, but bored dog, it’s about providing mental stimulation through things such as enrichment to keep them entertained. A popular way to provide enrichment is by placing their Skinner’s kibbles into items such as Kongs or puzzle feeders, or spreading our Field and Trial wet food onto Likimats, to help them work for their meals. You can also keep your dog mentally stimulated through continued training, by practicing in the garden, or meeting with a local trainer who can help keep you both up to speed, ready for the season ahead. You can then reward positive behavior with tasty treats such as the Field and Trial Training Treats to help engage and encourage your dog’s training sessions.
Contact us
If you need any advice about Skinner’s, then please contact their nutrition team at [email protected] or call them on 01379 384247