Arden Grange: 7 signs your dog has sensitive skinArden Grange: 7 signs your dog has sensitive skin

Arden Grange: 7 signs your dog has sensitive skin

Scratch a dog and you will have a friend for life, is a popular saying.  We are used to seeing our pets scratch an itch – while admiring their dexterity, however, is this behaviour a sign your dog is suffering the discomfort of sensitive skin? 

There are several things to look out for:

  1. White or pale coated dogs and cats. Not all pale dogs are sensitive, but many are, due to their skin pigmentation  
  2. Head shaking, itching or licking
  3. Rubbing on the furniture or other objects
  4. Long-standing dandruff that cannot be attributed to a normal moult
  5. Excessive moulting or patchy hair loss
  6. Sore, red or inflamed areas of skin or hive type reactions
  7. Malodourous skin or ears

It is worthwhile contacting your vet if your dog has sensitive skin to identify if there are any underlying medical conditions or true environmental or dietary allergies that may be causing itchy skin symptoms.  If ruled out, a dietary change to a more ‘gentle’ formulation is often recommended, reducing the likelihood of a reaction to certain provocative ingredients. 

Arden Grange SensitiveArden Grange Sensitive

All Arden Grange dog foods are naturally hypoallergenic meaning they don’t include the most common dietary allergens, with our special Adult Sensitive diet catering for the most sensitive dogs. What makes it so special? Its recipe is grain and cereal free and it includes fresh ocean white fish and potato, which are very easily digestible.  

This delicious diet also packs a punch with omega-3 fatty acids. This valuable ingredient is beneficial in the treatment of allergies in dogs. They work in the skin to help reduce the amount and effects of histamine and other chemicals that are produced in response to allergens.  

Feeding your dog gut friendly bacteria is a great way to bolster their immune system. After all, who knew many of a dog’s immune cells reside in their gut? Well, that’s exactly why we include prebiotics FOS and MOS in our pet foods.

It's all about providing the perfect food source for those friendly gut bacteria, laying the foundation for a healthy immune system. We don't stop there, our diets also include nucleotides, the unsung heroes of metabolic function. They work hard behind the scenes, enhancing your pet’s digestive and immune systems. Nucleotides increase the surface area in the small intestine for nutrient absorption.

This means that nucleotides allow for optimum levels of nutrients to be absorbed by the body. In addition, they facilitate rapid cell replication in response to allergens increasing the number of protective cells.

Crowning it all, Arden Grange Adult Sensitive dry diet includes a rich variety of superfoods, selected for their brilliant antioxidant properties, to give a boost to our beloved pets immune system, skin and coat condition. Now, that’s something to bark about! When it comes to your dog’s health, it’s all about what’s on the inside that counts.

Wondering where to get this sensitive dog kibble? You can find Arden Grange Adult Sensitive online or in-store at your local store.