*product and weight restrictions may apply

In tents agility

This month we caught up with our young dog agility expert, Sally Perks. Last time we spoke, she was at the beginning of a very busy season of touring agility shows with her two-year-old cocker spaniel, Dream. 

October 2023

Dog jumping over pole at show

Agility has its Perks

We caught up with our young agility expert Sally Perks as she heads into competition season with her talented dog, Dream.

May 2023

You are what you eat - even with four legs

Quality is hugely important when it comes to what we feed our dogs - for their energy levels, health and fitness.

January 2023

two dogs sat with some dog food and treats infront of them

Sally Perks - dog agility handler

In August we introduced Sally Perks, our sponsored agility handler. This month we caught up with her to see how her and Dream’s journey was progressing.

December 2022