*product and weight restrictions may apply

Rat in a dark room

New weapon in the battle against rodents

As concerns mount about the high levels of second-generation rodenticide found in our wildlife the latest technology might just have the answer.

Harmonix® Rodent Paste contains the new active ingredient cholecalciferol which works with an entirely new mode of action called Hypercalcemia - the accumulation of too much calcium in the blood.

By following Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) guidance it is important to take all steps to reduce the attractiveness of your farm to rodents. Many physical measures such as proofing, general tidiness and hygiene can be taken ahead of considering the use of rodenticides.

If a rodent infestation becomes an issue, then the careful selection of the right product is key to quick control, whilst also limiting the risk to non-target species and reducing the incidence of secondary poisoning.

One of the key benefits to cholecalciferol is once a lethal dose has been consumed by the rodent it triggers a response known as stop-feed.

The result of this is that the rodent will not continue to feed on the bait, leading to significantly lower levels of active ingredient in the rodent’s body.

The stop-feed effect helps minimise loss of feed and crops as well as reducing the risk of disease and damage around the farm, allowing for quicker control of an

infestation and a reduced risk to non-target species as it does not accumulate or persist in the environment.

It is easy to use the recommended 200 grams per bait point, which should be placed at intervals of at least every 10 metres, every three metres for a heavy infestation.

Having regular bait points is key, as this accelerates bait take early. The bait should be placed within bait stations or nailed to boards and covered securely.

It is important the bait points are checked daily and replenished where necessary.

Within two to three days the stop-feed effect will reduce the volume of bait being taken and it will be obvious, within seven days, that rodent activity has subsided.

And now Mole Valley Farmers is delighted to be offering Lodi UK’s Harmonix® Rodent Paste online and in selected stores.

Please remember, anyone wishing to purchase Harmonix® and other professional rodenticides must complete training in its responsible use. To get qualified visit
